Manaiakalani - Share in secondary schools 

What does blogging look like at secondary school? 

Blogging at high school is an integral part of developing students understanding for how to interact online positively.  It's about being Cybersmart.  Creating authentic learning environments either through a class blog or individual student blog, gives learners real world experience in a dynamic interface and allows them to Share their learning.  

Our research shows students who publish their writing regularly (3 times a week) have significant improvement outcomes.   Furthermore, developing the confidence to express themselves and have a voice online prepares them for their professional lives, not to mention the valuable skills associated with creating material for a global online audience.  

For an idea of how class blogging can work in high schools click here.  For examples of individual secondary students'  blogging explore our feed link below or click here for the complete list.   Our Cybersmart site has learning resources and teacher guidelines on how to   support students with blogging in your class.  

If you would like to get started with blogging at high school or want to build on what you currently have,  contact your local facilitator or Kerry Boyde-Preece and we'll help you get up and running.  

Class blogs at high school

Subject and junior class blogs can be a useful tool for teachers in a variety of ways. It gives teachers an opportunity to model blog posts and being Cybersmart.  A class blog is a great place to pose a question or provocation, and have students' respond to your post using the comments' section.   This approach can be useful at the start or end of a lesson to gauge students' understanding. 

A class blog also provides the ideal platform for students to practice being Cybersmart in an  authentic learning environment.  

Visit the class blog of 

Visit the class blog of 

Individual student blogs

Here's a small sample of some of the fantastic writing high school students are publishing to their blog.    Regular blogging with students is empowering, helping them express their ideas and allows them to share their  learning with a global audience.  Take the time to visit their blog and maybe even leave them a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment. 

If you are interested in trying blogging with your students, talk to your Manaiakalani facilitator about how to get started.  

Tyra@Hornby High School

Art :Portfolio ideas,

Lilly @ Bay of Islands College

Yr 10 - Social Studies

Amelia @ Tamaki College

Science - Greenhouse Effect

Samantha @ Hornby High School

Writing my Kaupapa for Art

Ocean @ Bay of Islands College

Yr10 - Hitler & the Nazi Gang

Reige @ Hornby High School

Unfamiliar text; Lament

Malia @ Bay of Islands College

Yr 10 The Government

Finn @ Bay of Islands College

Yr 9 - What is local government?

Louise @ Hornby High School

Diffusion Experiment

Dayton @ Bay of Islands College

Leadership & Government

Danielle @ Tamaki College

Yr 9 Climate Change