Manaiakalani - Maths across high schools

Nau mai haere mai, welcome to the Manaiakalani online resource hub for teachers of Maths.  

If you're a teacher interested in high school Maths, we'd love you to join us.  This is an opportunity to network with specialist subject teachers across the country, to collaborate and share best practice.  

Click here to register and we'll keep you informed of any upcoming events. 

Upcoming Meetings 

Via Google Meet - Click here to register

Rachel Cookson

Curriculum Advisor

Ministry of Education

AS 91947 - External Assessment

Demonstrate Mathematical Reasoning - 5 Credits

We were delighted to have Rachel Cookson join us from the Ministry of Education at this term's Department Discussion for teachers of Maths.  Rachel gave a comprehensive overview of the external Achievement Standard 1.4 - 91947.  

The assessment has been designed to have no context, instead focusing on assessing students' ability to use mathematical skills.  

The recording from this meeting is accessible on the right.  

Rachel and her team are running online workshops after school for teachers wanted further clarification.  To email her use: 

AS 91947 - Demonstrate Mathematical Reasoning
Rachel Cookson.mp4

Elena Terekhina


Research Team

Manaiakalani MPI

Elena Terekhina has joined the Manaiakalani Research Team primarily to support the development of numeracy and mathematics across our parterned schools.  

In this session, Elena shared with us the objectives of the Maths Programme Intensive MPI which is aimed at teachers of Year 4-8 learners.  It offers professional learning, including in-school maths practice implementation and coaching.  

MPI - Elena.mp4

To contact Elena you can write to her at:

Our first meeting for Maths teachers this year was an open discussion facilitated by Rachel Cookson from the Ministry of Education.    

Rachel shared a variety of resources and links to support the teaching of numeracy across the whole school.

Teacher also discussed Achievement Standard AS 91944 1.1 Explore data using a statistical enquiry process.  Some schools were planning to teach this assessment as one continuous block while others were doing components throughout the course of the year.   

The recording highlights the specific marking criteria students will need to achieve Merit and Excellence.   

You can view the full recording on the right and the slide decks with resource links.  

Maths - Manaiakalani Department Discussion (2024-02-22 15:30 GMT+13)
Feb 24 Maths Dept Discussion

Once again we were fortunate to have Rachel Cookson with us at our term four Department Discussion.  

The Big Ideas of the new NCEA curriculum, aim to guide learning to the forefront of the classroom instead of focusing on the end goal or credits gained.  

The five principles of the Mana Model offer a culturally responsive pedagogical approach to ensure Māori achieve as Māori.  

In this meeting, Rachel shared with us how the Mana Model can be an ideal framework for unpacking the Big Ideas with the new NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards.  

This was a highly valuable presentation from Rachel, with some great ideas to start off the school year.  If you missed it, you can watch the recording and view the slides on the right.  

Click here to learn more about the Mana Model and the Sir John Kirwan Foundation

Maths Term 4 2023 - Department Discussion
Maths Manaiakalani Department Discussion (2023-10-19 15:31 GMT+13)

NCEA Implementation Officer, Rachel Cookson from the  Ministry of Education joined us in term three.  

Rachel presented a comprehensive overview for the upcoming NCEA changes to help teachers plan for 2024.  

Her slide deck and recording is full of resources and useful information.  

Manaiakalani Mathematics 2023
Maths T3 - Made with Clipchamp_1690514303125.mp4

In this term's Department Discussion, Dr Pip Arnold introduced CODAP (Common Online Data Analysis Platform).  CODAP is free and online so easy for students to use and access.  This is a fantastic tool for teaching students statistical investigations and mathematical modelling.  Pip kindly shared some valuable links which are listed below.  

Pip is available to work with teachers and schools.  Email her directly to get in touch: 

Maths Manaiakalani Department Discussion (2023-05-11 15:30 GMT+12)

If you missed any of our previous Maths Department Discussion meetings, the recordings and slides are available below, 

2023 Term 1;Department Discussion for teachers of Maths
Maths Department Discussion (2023-02-16 15:30 GMT+13)
Term 4 - Maths - Manaiakalani Secondary School Department Discussions
Louise Hyland - Made with Clipchamp_1671080353366.mp4
Maths - Department Discussions (2022-08-03 20:30 GMT-7)
SHARE - Maths - Manaiakalani Secondary School Department Discussions
CREATE - Maths - Manaiakalani Secondary School Department Discussions
Maths - Department Discussions (2022-02-16 18:31 GMT-8)
Maths - Department Discussions (2022-05-11 20:31 GMT-7)
Maths - Manaiakalani Secondary School Department Discussions
Department Discussions with Maths (2021-09-07 at 20:34 GMT-7)
Secondary School Department Discussions with Maths

Teacher blogs for inspiration

Student blog posts for maths

Bivariate Data and Vitruvian man - Maths

Height and Arm span

Bivariate Data Conclusion

Do we have the perfect body proportions

Numeracy - Making 3D Shapes and Nets

What is Algebra?

Analysis PEEL Structure 

Math is probably a fun subject

Maths Class Sites 

Quick Links  for NCEA and Numeracy  changes 

Ministry of Education site link for information about changes to Numeracy 

NCEA Mathematics and Statistics

New Level 1 standards

If you're looking for further understanding about the changes to new Level 1 Standards, Mina Voigt, the Head of Maths at Bay of Islands College, recommended Liz Sneddon's site.  

Manipulatives and pedagogy 

A huge thank you to all the teachers across Manaiakalani schools who have taken the time to share resources and ideas.  

The University of Colorado provides teaching simulations on a wide range of maths and science topics.  They are a great way to enhance student engagement and understanding.  The simulations can be easily embedded into a class site using the html code. Click here to find out more.  There is also an extensive professional community for teachers on the site

Skills based apps 

A huge thank you to all the teachers across Manaiakalani schools who have taken the time to share resources and ideas.  

Maths teachers from 13 Manaiakalani high schools came together on Wednesday 8th September to network and discuss ideas.   This first meeting was an opportunity to meet each other and understand what is happening in maths classes around the country.  View the slide deck to see the schools where our teachers work and their approach within their maths classes.  If you would like to participate in the next Department Discussion for maths, register here.  

Digital Maths Tools, compiled by Marie Hirst