Literacy strategies across the curriculum
This page of our site is a collection of resources, examples and recordings from online meetings aimed at supporting the development of literacy across the curriculum. If you would like more information or have suggestions on how we can support you, please get in touch
Literacy strategies for secondary
We have had numerous presentations from our research team and teachers across the country sharing teaching strategies to aid reading across the curriculum. These are effective strategies that can be applied in any subject area and potentially as a whole school approach.
The Manaiakalani observation tool, Designing Learning with the End in Mind is based on High Leverage Practices and Digital Affordances
To see examples of effective reading practice in each of the elements, click on the slide deck to the right. A huge thanks to the teachers across the Manaiakalani clusters of schools who shared their exemplary practice with us all.
Teaching Aids to support NCEA literacy corequisites
Our term one Secondary Connect, Teaching Aids to support NCEA literacy corequisites, highlighted the benefits of ensuring students have a toolbox of reading strategies they can be applied to any text in any genre or subject area.
Viewing the pedagogical guidelines to support the Big Idea (Making sense of written texts), Pip Gorrie-Lawn shared her strategy from her MIT Inquiry to help develop learners' metacognitive skills for reading unseen texts across all subject areas and curriculum levels.
To see the recording and the slides click here.
Reading Strategies to support learning across the curriculum
At this Secondary Connect, Kiri Kirkpatrick shared our upcoming data collection dates. Kiri also showed some exemplar practice from last year's reading observations using the summative tool, Designing Learning with the End in Mind.
Dr Naomi Rosedale led a discussion around how to leverage off the power of our network to develop a school wide literacy strategy. To view the recording and slides from this event click here.
Using T-shaped literacy in a mixed level secondary classroom: exploring kawanatanga and rangatiratanga in New Zealand history and literature
Manaiakalani Innovative Teacher MIT, Sandra Quick and Head of English at Greymouth High School, shares the power of students tapping into their whakapapa to make texts relatable and engaging for students.
To see the full recording and access her slides click here.
Higher order thinking skills using SOLO and Google Draw
Karen Ferguson was a Manaiakalani Innovative Teacher in 2014 and 2015. In 2017 and 2018, Karen was a Manaiakalani class on Air teacher, creating many episodes showcasing her teaching practice in the classroom.
In this presentation, Karen shares how she visually engages students with Google Draw graphic organisers to help them prepare for their achievement standard evidence.
Click here to view her slides and the presentation recording
Register for our upcoming toolkit: Building Capability By Looking Forward: How the new NCEA Literacy co-requisites offer ambitious literacy learning opportunities. - Naomi Rosedale; Dr Donna Price; Sandra Quick; Siobhan O'Malley
Secondary Toolkits focused on literacy strategies
A reading apprenticeship approach to reading unfamiliar texts in all subject areas
In this toolkit, Dr Naomi Rosedale and Kerry Boyde-Preece talk about three key reading strategies that can support students' reading comprehension in any subject area. By teaching students how to use different strategies when they encountered challenging texts, can help to bridge the gap and encourage resilience with their reading.
These strategies are from the Reading for Understanding Schoenbach, R.,et al. (1999)
The Highlight Tool
In this toolkit, Pip explains in depth how to use the Highlight Tool Add On in Google Docs to help students' skimming and scanning of text.
This reading strategy is engaging for students and invites collaboration with their peers. The Highlight Tool can be easily adapted and applied in any subject area and for any year level.

I am (not) an English Teacher
Ideas and resources for how to incorporate literacy into senior science subjects
Jayne Abernethy from Hornby High School, is a teacher of Science, a Wananga Advisor and one of the E-Learning Coordinators. In this toolkit Jayne, shows some excellent strategies teachers of all subjects can apply to aid students' writing.